Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Why hello blog, it's been awhile.

I was bored tonight. Figured I would check in on my blog and see if I had gotten an visitors from Russia recently and find out which post was the most popular. And BIG surprise! We have a new #1 post! Luckily I grew into my large forehead has passed up Katie's ultimate list of the best couples ever! With a resounding 352 pageviews to 196. I'm glad I can help others know they're not alone in the struggle. In case you were wondering, I don't have bangs at all now and have decided again that they're more trouble than they're worth. But, I've also been watching Gilmore Girls again (hallelujah Netflix!), so maybe after watching hours of Rory's amazing hair I'll change my mind again.

I also decided that my blog needed a redesign. Hence the redesign. I think blogger has added some new fonts to their blog settings. Or maybe my taste has changed in the past three years (no duh Katie). Anyways, I'm digging the new vibe.

I think it's fitting that with my return to this blog, however brief it may be, I include an Anne of Green Gables quote. This is one of my favorites, as is the month of October. It's just such a fun time of year.

See you again in another three years!