Saturday, September 10, 2011

Duck Sauce

Have you heard the song Barbara Streisand by Duck Sauce? Well, just in case you haven't, listen to it here because the rest of this post will make a lot more sense if you've heard it.

So, when I was home in June this song came on the radio when I was driving with my Dad in his Mustang with the top down. As soon as it starts playing my Dad says, "I love this song!" and turns the radio up super loud. At which point I turn the radio down because I thought it was too loud and then we went back and forth for a little bit with me turning the radio down and him turning it up, opposite of almost every other father/daughter relationship in the world.
Moral of the story, my Dad loves the song Barbara Streisand by Duck Sauce.

This morning Brooke showed me this awesome website where you can listen to the song, but change the name... It lets you change the song so that instead of saying Barbara Streisand it says any name you want!

Needless to say I put my own name in it and laughed like a little girl every time the song said my name. And then I put my Dad's name in and emailed it to him.

I really wish there was a way I could post it here, and maybe there is, but I'm not technologically savy enough to figure it out. But, in any case, here is the link to the website.

Check it out, it'll make your day.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm back!!! And I've brought two lists!

After a very prolonged absence I am making a return. Just like the Fall TV shows!

The return of all my favorite shows and the premiere of new ones (more on this in a bit) aren't the only reasons Fall is my favorite season. So to celebrate my return here's a list...

Katie's List of Why Fall is the Best Season
  1. The return of awesome TV shows
  2. It starts to get colder
  3. The beautiful colors
  4. Leaves changing colors
  5. Pumpkin everything
  6. It's not so hot
  7. Cardigans
  8. Boots
  9. Everyone else is in school and can't go to Seven Peaks while I'm at work
  10. Annual caramel apple making
  11. The smell of the crisp air
  12. Th good smelling Autumn soap Brooke always gets
  13. It's getting close to Thanksgiving when I get to go home and visit
  14. Halloween and free candy/half off post-Halloween candy sales
  15. My birthday!

Ok, now that I've taken care of the list of things I love about Fall, I will now compile my list of why I'm excited about Fall TV.

I love Chuck! I'm so sad this is the last season and that it's not starting until the end of October, but I think it promises to be a hilarious one. If my sister's had finished watching the season, I would be able to say why I think it will be hilarious, but they didn't so I'll just leave it at THIS SEASON IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!

Again, I love Bones! Last season ended big and I've been waiting all summer to see what will happen.

Vampire Diaries
Ahh, my guilty pleasure... I don't know why I like this show, but I do. I don't know why I'm excited, but I am.

The new comer. I just recently watched the first 4 seasons of Psych on Netflix and I am a couple episodes into season 5 on Hulu, and it is freaking hilarious. And to make it better they're going to mention BYU in one of the episodes of season 6 because BYU smashed every other college out of the competition. Hopefully I'll be able to finish season 5 before season 6 starts, but if not oh well, I still love this show and eventually season 5 will be on Netflix.

New Girl
This one looks really funny and I think Zooey Deschanel is a crack up.

Pan Am
Maybe it's just the fact that this is fairly historical or that I am loving the ladylike clothes of the 60s right now, but I'm super excited for this one.

Hart of Dixie
What is with my obsession with cop and doctor shows? I really don't know, but this one looks promising.

The Secret Circle
Again, another one of my downfalls, drama filled, cheesy teenage shows (Vampire Diaries anyone?). Plus, it's got the girl from H20: Just Add Water in it, so huge plus right there.

Once Upon a Time
I'm already loving this one. And who wouldn't, it's about fairy tales in the modern day and it's from the same people who did Lost.

I also want to start watching Community. I saw the paintball episode last season, and now it's just a matter of time before I'm hooked.

Oh boy. That's a lot of shows. It's going to be a busy year.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Katie's super lame and can't write her own post

Hi everyone! This is Kelsie aka Katie's sister.

As you can see by the title of this post Katie is super lame and can't write her own post, therefore I am here to update you on the going-ons of Katie's life. We have a lot to catch up on, it's been a while. Let us begin.

First off we have a new world traveler!

Katie and Brooke went on a cruise to Mexico. The highlights of the cruise were:
  1. THE FOOD lots and lots of yummy food
  2. the serenity deck where Katie read 4 books
  3. the gorgeous beaches
  4. walking on the ocean floor
  5. holding a puffer fish while on the ocean floor
  6. getting to wear a swimsuit ALL day
  7. bargaining with the locals for an awesome deal
  8. watching the movie trailers and ONLY movie trailers, in between showings of movies on tv
  9. laying in the sun and getting a sweet tan/weird sunburn
  10. did I mention the food?

As I list these things off it makes me way jealous that I was not in attendance to this lovely cruise, but it's ok because Katie brought back a cool belt for me. Katie really should do her own post about the food because I have heard a TON about the food and since I wasn't there to experience it I don't feel like I can do it justice.

Next we have a working woman!

Katie started her new job! She can officially say she is an adult because she has a grown-up job. There is some advantages and disadvantages to her new job. The advantages are that she works way closer, she earns more money so she can spoil me, she is putting her college degree to use, and she gets a sweet badge. The disadvantages are that she works ALL THE TIME, so I don't get to see her as much and that she can't take a vacation any time she wants.

And last, but not least, she is getting a new roommate!

You'll never guess who it is..... ME! I'm sitting here watching her pack all of her things and boy, does she have a butt load of stuff! Soon enough she will be all moved out and she will be happily situated in our new apartment where we will make fun, new memories. It does make me a little sad to see her leaving this apartment because it's been my second home for the past 2 years. I even have my own toothbrush here. Luckily we will be living in the same place soon!

Well now you know all about Katie's life from the past couple of months! I'm glad I could catch you up!

Oh and this is what happens when you pack!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July

I love the 4th of July. I love the history, the traditions, the celebrations, the excitement, pretty much everything about it. And, to top it off, I spent my 4th of July in Provo, UT. I've said it before, but Provo KNOWS how to do the 4th of July. I've never experienced a 4th of July quite like it anywhere else. There is so much hype and excitement you just can't help but feel proud to be an American.

I mean where else can you do fireworks pretty much the whole week before and after, including, for the first time ever, aerial fireworks! This year was the first year aerial fireworks were legal in Utah and people went kind of crazy with it. I think Utahans probably spent a collective bazillion dollars on fireworks this 4th of July.
And, where else do people camp out for the 4th of July parade? I don't mean set out some chairs the night before and go home and sleep in your comfy bed, in your air conditioned house. I mean CAMP OUT. With tents and air mattresses and barbecues staking your spot roadside. This picture is from last year early on in the day before the parade - trust me it got even more intense. Whole families sleep out on the street in their tents. It pretty much turned into a city wide, night long party right outside my building, because I live on the parade route.

And don't think I didn't participate, even though I think it's delightfully crazy, because I definitely participated. On Saturday night I watched Stadium of Fire from the roof of my building after climbing up a precariously placed stack of tables and a ladder. On Sunday I played games, did sparklers, talked, laughed, went to Denny's at 1 in the morning (you know when you're tired and everything is a bazillion times funnier...yeah), watched The Sandlot in a tent, and finally collapsed into bed at 4am. After a full 3 hours of sleep I was awakened by the cheering for the Freedom Run. Personally, I thought everyone making noise should have their freedom revoked, but that's not what America is about...I guess. Monday was full of parade watching, resting on the couch, fireworks buying, barbecue preparing, eating, games, explosions, and celebrating.

We (meaning, Brooke, Kelsie, Elsa, Brian, Brandon, Matt, and I) had an awesome barbecue at Elsa and Brian's house. Brooke, Kelsie, Elsa and I all decided that it made us feel very grown up organizing our own barbecue. We had good food, played Scattergories and Pit, did fireworks, and made smores.

Overall it was an amazing 4th of July.
This is also from last year. They handed out newspapers with a "name the presidents in order" activity. And, I did it without any help. I just needed to make sure the world saw the documentation of my success.

(I'll add more pictures from this year as soon as I get them from Kelsie and Elsa...probably)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I feel like I'm suffering from the cruciatus curse!

In case you haven't heard JK Rowling recently announced this new web site. And that's all she did - announce it. It's been like a howler heard around the world. She hasn't giving any hints as to what its about or anything. But, this is from the lady who kept the secret of Harry's destiny for practically a bazillion years when pretty much the entire universe was bugging her to spill the beans, so it's to be expected.

I'm really hoping it's an encyclopedia of the Harry Potter world, a sort of Hogwarts: A History type of thing. Or at least something to that affect.

I've decided JK Rowling is very cruel. We're (and by we, I mean the collective Harry Potter fan community who stuck with Harry until the end) already beside ourselves waiting for the final movie, and then she goes and does something like this! Does she not realize that the anticipation is boiling over inside me like a potion down in Snape's dungeon? She should lose 100 points for this outrageous act.

On the other hand, I feel like I've swallowed a mouthful of Felix Felicis and am in the midst of the luckiest day/summer of my life! The final movie and a new website that promises to be as exciting as the Quidditch World Cup! A bazillion points to JK!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Gilmore Girlsesque

I feel like my life has been on fast forward the past little bit and that I haven't had time to think - let alone blog! So in keeping with my last couple posts, this one is going to also be a whirlwind of images, thought, and obscure references. Just like Gilmore Girls. Also I have cleaning checks tomorrow and haven't started my jobs yet at its 11:12 pm. But this is way more important than living in a clean apartment.

First of all, Elsa and Brian got married.

I'm still trying to get use to the idea. Elsa is the first of my close friends to get married, so it's kinda weird. I'm so happy for her and Brian, I know they're going to be very happy together. Now I can't wait until I get married so that we can be married friends together!

In other news, I have officially gotten my money's worth out of my Seven Peaks pass. When I bought it I was most excited about the unlimited access to the one water park in Utah Country and was thought eh about Trafalga. But now, I realized how mistaken I was to discount Trafalga! As part of the Trafalga pass you get unlimited games of laser tag, and on Friday night Brooke, Kelsie, Lauren, Seth, and I went and played 3 games of laser tag in a row. It was so much fun, our team won 2 out of 3 games, and the code names for the guns were awesome. For example, there was Princess, Reptar, Voldmort, Dumbldor, and many more. If we had paid for each of those games it would have been $18 each, but because of our amazing Pass of All Passes we did it for free! Brooke and I have decided that whenever we're bored we're just gonna go play laser tag!

Following the fun at Trafalga we headed over to Strawberry days in Pleasant Grove and walked around the carnival.

We had amazing strawberries and cream. It's the specialty of Strawberry Days. And now I can't wait until next year when I can have it again!
Doesn't it just seem like a carnival from Stars Hollow?! It was so much fun, and just another reason why I love Provo in the summer. Provo in the summer also reminds of The Sandlot. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Sandlot was filmed in Utah, but every once in a while I just have these feelings that if I walk around the corner there is going to be a dust pit of a baseball diamond with a bunch of little boys playing ball and putting the moves on the lifeguard.

I also found another new show that I have quickly gotten obsessed with. It's called H2O: Just Add Water.
Oh boy. That looks as embarrassing typed out as it sounds when you say it out loud. It's another Summer I Turned Pretty situation.

Anyways, its an Australian TV show about 3 teenage girls who turn into mermaids and have super powers. The acting is bad, the story is cheesy, and I love it! It probably has something to do with either my obsession with mermaids or my obsession for juvenile shows and books. It's on Netflix, so really if you have a spare 20 minutes, which could easily turn into 20 hours you should check it out.

Why do I avoid things like cleaning checks?!?!?!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

One Less Lonely Glitter

Justin Bieber has his own nail polish. It's called "The One Less Lonely Girl Collection" and is from Nicole by OPI.
Aren't those the most fitting names ever? My favorites are I'm a Belieber  and One Less Lonely Glitter.

Despite my occasional outbreaks of Bieber Fever, I don't think I'll be rushing to the store to stock up on One Time Lime or Step 2 the Beat of my Heart. But who knows, if they have it at Target and I happen to walk by when I'm wandering through the store, some Prized Possession Purple might just end up in my cart...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A random jumble

A lot has happened that need documentation. But I suffer from a severe condition in which I getvery far behind in recording important events and prolific thoughts and loose the ability to actually fix this problem. This is because I'm lazy and catching up is hard and can take a long time (which makes me sound very pathetic). I am trying to combat this affliction, but the going is slow.

I already wrote about Karlie's graduating, but here is some pictures from her party.
If you can figure out why I love this picture you get a bazillion bonus points.
Kelsie, Jen, and I finally were accepted to the adult table!

I spent some time with some of my favorite people.
I watched Ryen and Peyten swim and it just made me sooo proud! I taught them both swim lessons for two summers and seeing how much they learned and especially Peyten's love of swimming is amazing. Seeing Peyten swim now makes all those hours I held her in the pool while she was screaming and crying totally worth it.

I (re)learned how to drive a stick shift. I learned a couple years ago, but never really got the hang of it, so my dad had to reteach me. Brendan was appalled at my skills and became furious when I got to drive my dad's new car by myself to pick him up. It's not my fault I was born 5 years earlier and already have my license.
My dad in the physical manifestation of my inheritance.
And me afterwards. I had no idea my hair could get so tangled...

Brooke just read Thomas S. Monson's biography and she told me that in it, it said something about how his mother liked to spy on people. So, if President Monson's mom thinks it's ok to spy then I'm not going to feel guilty about it at all!

Monday, June 13, 2011


Beautiful Karlie graduated from high school! I'm so proud of her. (Even though this is a week late, I promise I'm still proud of her.) She'll be heading up to BYU-Idaho in January. (Still far, but 8 hours closer than she is now!) I realize that I don't write very much about Karlie. In fact, to some it may appear as if I only have one sister. But, that is false. It's just that my brown haired sister lives less than 5 minutes away from me and we're going to be living in the same apartment come August. And she calls me and says things like "Kay-Kay I miss you. Come get me," in a very pathetic voice.

We rarely call Karlie, Karlie. She is more commonly know as: Karkey, Kar-Kar, Karlini, Kar, Karkaroff, and basically any other way you can manipulate her name. What can I say, we have weird nicknames for each other. And for every one of those names (except Karkaroff, which Karlie hates, and we reserve for when we want to make her mad) there is a version of it for mine and Kelsie's names. For example: Kakey, Kay-Kay, Kakini, and Kate for me, and Kelkey, Kels-Kels, Kelsini, and Kels for Kelsie. Did you know that my sisters and I all have the same initials? It's true. They're KAS. Katie Anne, Kelsie Alexandra, and Karlie Alane.
Karlie is kinda messy. Which reminds me of this quote by Jane Austen that always makes me think of Kar.

"An artist can never do anything slovenly."

Karlie is also an artist. She is planning on majoring in art and draws on scraps of paper in church.
Karlie is loving. She always comes up to me and hugs me and says "Oh, Kakey."

Karlie is giving. Unlike my brown haired sister, who is stingy. Karlie always shared her Barbie's, Polly Pockets and baby dolls with me, and never hid them under her bed. My mom told me that when she took Karlie shopping for her last birthday when she would pick things up she would always mention how much Kelsie would like that particular item too.
Karlie has blue/green/gray eyes. How is that fair? She is also very tan right now. How is that fair? She gets to look all sun kissed and pretty and I have to look pasty and get a freaking bad sunburn after being in the sun for four hours even with sunscreen slathered on. Not that I'm jealous.

Karlie is funny. She cracks me up. I really don't know where she comes up with the things she says sometimes.

Karlie is a fast reader. Even faster than me. And she's read so many more books than me. I wonder if Dad takes her books away at 11 pm too? I'll have to find out.
Karlie, of all of my siblings, probably looks the most like me. She is very lucky.

Karlie is special. And I couldn't love her more.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I'm coming home, I'm coming home, tell the world I'm coming home

Yes, it's true I am now home in FresYes.

But before we get to that, let's talk about Friday night!

(Also, get prepared because this is going to be a marathon post. I just have a lot to say. Luckily, Brooke has been training. Since she got 12 posts behind and then got caught up she is prepared for the longest post ever. You've been warned. But I promise there will be pictures, videos, singing, and wittiness.)

So, this summer there is a series of rooftop concerts the first Friday of every month in Provo. Last night was Megan Smith, who has a song on the 500 Days of Summer soundtrack. It was a lot of fun and it was a beautiful night.
There were so many people we couldn't even see the stage. So I have absolutely no idea what the singer's looked like.
I was obsessed with the paper lanterns they had hanging. I thought they were so pretty. I also got 2 new headbands. People had set up booths outside the concert, and one lady was selling these awesome homemade headbands for $4 each, so I bought 2. Here is Kelsie modeling one of them.
I think this rooftop concert series is such a good idea. It is one more reason why Provo is the best place to spend summers.

Now to the main event.

I am HOME!!!

Kelsie and I drove home to Fresno yesterday.
We're here for KarKar's high school graduation. Isn't she so pretty?
The drive was very uneventful except for the 28 police cars we saw along the way. We made it through ticketless, but there was a couple close calls. Boy, do those cops like to hide! At one point just outside of Bakersfield we saw 16 cops because they were in the middle of a man hunt. An armed robber was hiding out in a vineyard, but luckily they caught him.

This is what 99% of the drive through California looks like.
And this is how Kelsie and I spend most of our time driving.

Would you look at the price of gas in Barstow? $4.59!!! Luckily we've done this drive so many times we know to go a little bit further into the city to get gas, so we ended up getting gas for $3.91. Which is still ridiculous.
The weather was gorgeous until we started descending into the San Joaquin Valley. And then it got crappy fast. And it hasn't gotten any better since we've been home.
Did you know that Tatooine is actually located in Central California?
If you know anything about me, you'll know that I love McDonalds. One of the best sandwich's they have is the McChicken. In Provo, for some bizarre reason, they only have Hot 'n Spicy McChickens. Which are nasty. As soon as we could, Kelsie and I stopped and got regular McChickens.
The best part of the McChicken is the mayonnaise. Which I know is gross. But it's just so good!
After 11 and 1/2 hours of boring driving we arrived home. But we barely recognized our childhood dwelling. In the past few weeks my parents have gotten our house painted and the backyard redone. And it looks amazing.
Right now I'm laying on the couch on the porch while there is an awesome thunder and lightening storm pouring down on us. And it is freaking awesome!!!

So far home has been delightful. I've eaten steak. I've played the piano. I've practiced driving stick shift in my dad's Mustang (more on that later!). I've browsed our DVR recordings and plotted out what I'm going to watch. I've played with Ryen, Peyten, and Camden. And, I've spent time with my family, which is really the whole reason I come home.

Didn't I tell you it'd be a long post?

But wait! You can read more about it at