Sunday, February 27, 2011

Forbes Fictional 15

I know I already wrote a post tonight, but I just remembered this and its so awesome and deserves its own post.

This afternoon when I was alternating between reading Anne of the Island and Wikipedia I found this awesome list.

Its Forbes magazine's list of the 15 richest people in the realm of fiction, according to its Wikipedia page. The qualifications to be on the list are: "members must be 'both fictional (in the sense that we exclude mythological and folkloric figures) and characters (meaning they are part of a narrative story or series of story),' in addition to being wealth."

Here is 2010's Forbes Fictional 15

RankNameNet Worth ($billion)AgeResidenceSource
1Carlisle Cullen34.1370Washington, U.S.A.Compound Interest, Long-term investments
2Scrooge McDuck33.581Duckburg, U.S.A.Mining, Treasure Hunting
3Richie Rich11.510Richville , U.S.A.Inheritance, Conglomerates
4Tony Stark8.835New York, U.S.A.Defense, Inheritance
5Jed Clampett7.251Beverly Hills, U.S.Oil & Gas, Banking
6Adrian "Ozymandias" Veidt747New York, U.S.A.Marketing
7Bruce Wayne6.532Gotham City, U.S.A.Inheritance, Defense
8Tooth Fairy3.9AgelessStealing
9Thurston Howell, III2.160Private Island, South PacificHowell Industries
10Sir Topham Hatt255Island of Sodor, U.K.Railroad, real estate
11Artemis Fowl II1.915Dublin, IrelandInheritance, Theft, Technology patents
12C. Montgomery Burns1.3104Springfield, U.S.A.Energy
13Charles Bass1.118Manhattan, N.Y.Real Estate, Inheritance
14Jay Gatsby130West Egg, N.Y.Racketeering, Investments
15Lucille Bluth0.9568Newport Beach, Calif.Real Estate

Half these characters I had to look up, but still I thought it was a pretty impressive list. What I want to know is how they calculated the net worth of these people. Were the people at Forbes able to find literary citations that back up these numbers?

Some notable, past members of the Forbes Fictional 15 include: Uncle Sam, who has an infinite net worth (not sure I agree with that one) and has taxes as a major source for his money; Jabba the Hut, who is 603 years old and has a net worth of 8.4 billion; Willy Wonka, who earned his fortune through interests in candy and aerospace; Lucius Malfoy with a net worth of 1.6 billion coming from inheritance, antiquities, and crime; Princess Peach Toadstool of the Mushroom Kingdom; and finally, Cruella De Vil, with a net worth of 1 billion resulting from inheritance.

Isn't this an awesome idea/list?

You can learn so many valuable things from Wikipedia.

Halfway Gone

Did you know that iTunes has songs for 69¢?

Well they do. Every once in a while they get updated, I guess. At least that's what Brooke says.

So anyways I found them this afternoon when I was laying in bed. And guess what one of the songs was?!

Graduation by Vitamin C!

Which is a coincidence, because, I'm graduating in 53 days!!!

I'm totally gonna buy it. Because it is not only a classic, but it speaks to my life at this moment.

Also, this weekend marks the half way point in the semester. And this week there is a graduation fair where I get to order my cap and gown.

53 days and 38 classes and I'll never have to check out this many books from the library again...
(Those aren't all mine. Some are Jess's, but I'd guess at least 2/3 of them were mine, if not more...)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Another Anne post

I'm sorry. I just can't help it.

Last night I was reading Anne of Avonlea and I just loved this paragraph.

"Anne had no sooner uttered the phrase, 'house o' dreams' than it captivated her fancy and she immediately began the erection of one of her own. It was of course, tenanted by an ideal master, dark, proud, and melancholy; but oddly enough, Gilbert Blythe persisted in hanging about too, helping her arrange pictures, lay out gardens, and accomplish sundry other tasks which a proud and melancholy hero evidently considered beneath his dignity. Anne tried to banish Gilbert from her castle in Spain but, somehow, he went on being there, so Anne, being in a hurry, gave up the attempt."

Even Anne's imagination knows Anne and Gilbert are perfect for each other!

All I know is that I want someone who will help me arrange pictures and accomplish sundry tasks. I could care less about laying out a garden because I would just kill it a few days after it was planted.

Personally, I think it's a miracle my roommates and I haven't killed Jess's bamboo - even though they're suppose to be impossible to kill. We would be the first ones to do it. Especially given the fact that we go weeks without watering it.

Anne thinks she wants a proud and melancholy husband. But her imagination has a different opinion, and know she needs Gilbert.

I agree with her imagination.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I've been sick so my brain is a little fuzzy

Here's a list of what I've been doing

1. watch Mighty Morphing Power Rangers: The Movie
This movie is a classic. I even had to watch it on VHS. Now let me tell you, I use to be a big Power Ranger's fan. Just look at this...
Yep, I had Pink Power Ranger footie pajamas. Talk about legit.

Even though I apparently was a fan since birth, Power Rangers just could not compete with Barbie. For example, when I was 5 and had my tonsils out my dad gave me the choice between Power Ranger Trading Coins or Shaving Ken (my parents had to bribe me for stuff like this. Once I got silky Princess Jasmine pajamas for being good and getting my blood drawn). I remember it being a hard choice, but Shaving Ken won.
Just look at him, how could he not win? He had real hair and clothes! My only other Ken had plastic blonde hair and a pink swim suit. Plus it was just not fair to all my Barbie's that they had to compete over only one Ken. And let me tell you, I am way more sympathetic to them now because I know exactly what it's like...

2. Finished 5 books
I was sick, plus all the books I had on hold at the Library came in. And I just can't help it that I have to find out what happens! Plus my dad isn't here to take my book away at 11 o'clock at night so that I'll go to sleep.

3. Made caramel brownies and chicken tortilla soup
Caramel brownies changed my life the first time Brooke made them for me, and I was really craving them. The chicken tortilla soup was really yummy too. I just finished the last of it for lunch.
4. Played Super Nintendo
Apparently this was an old school weekend. I suck at most video games, so I lost a lot, but it was way fun.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Katie's ultimate list of the best couples ever

Well the best couples from literature, TV, and movies that is. Naturally when it comes to best couples ever including real people, me and my future, yet to be determined, husband will take the heart shaped cake. (I really do have a heart shaped cake joke.)

Laura Ingalls Wilder and Almanzo Wilder
He calls her Bess. She calls him Manly. Could it get anymore perfect? Why, yes it can. He drives through freezing weather with his Morgans, Prince and Lady, to pick her up from her school so she doesn't have to stay the weekend with the dreadful Mrs. Foster. And takes her on Sunday rides through the South Dakota prairie. And builds her an awesome house with a really cool pantry. Also, they're real people! So that just makes it even better. Oh how I idolize Laura Ingalls Wilder...
Elinor Dashwood and Edward Ferris
While most people favor Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy (who I almost put instead), I decided that Elinor and Edward's relationship is way more up to my speed. Chances are this would totally be me. I can identify with Elinor. Which just makes it all the more triumphant when everything finally works out for them.
Ariel and Prince Eric
Aw, love at first sight. I mean it was fireworks the night they first saw each other. Not even the fact that she has a fish tail can keep them apart. They sacrifice so much to be together, I mean they have a whole ocean and a fat octopus between them. Plus they just look good together.
Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe
Oh, Anne and Gilbert, what else can you say. From the very beginning you know they are meant for each other, yet Anne is just so darn stubborn. And then Gilbert is so cute and charming with his good looks and Canadian accent. Then it looks like they'll be together forever and Anne crushes Gilbert's poor little heart. And when Anne realizes she made a mistake, Gilbert has the audacity to be engaged to another woman! It's all just so tragical. Luckily, they do end up together right after Gilbert is nursed back to health from the brink of death. If not, I would be forced into the depths of despair and therefore find it hard to believe that true love really does exist and make a vow with Brooke to always be old maids together.
Ella and Prince Char
Ella Enchanted is probably one of my most favorite books in the history of the world. Right up there with Harry Potter and the Little House books. When Ella saves Char and breaks the curse, its like anything in the world is possible. Plus, they wander through an old castle and slide down banisters. Talk about a pretty sweet date.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A vow

My obsession with Anne of Green Gables is still going full force. I just finished reading the book yesterday, checked out Anne of Avonlea, and am now watching the movie again. Also Brooke and I talk about Anne all the time.

One of mine and Brooke's favorite parts in both the book, and the deleted scenes of the movie is when Anne and Diana are at the Christmas party talking to Reverend and Mrs. Allan. Anne tells them that her and Diana are seriously considering making a vow to each other to be old maids together for ever.

The look that Diana gives Anne is priceless. Its just a look of total and utter disbelief.

And then Anne sees Diana's face and says, "Diana's not completely convinced yet."
Obviously Anne fails and breaks the vow.

Its totally ironic, too, because Brooke and I made a vow to not be old maids together.

Kinda joking, yet totally serious.

Another one of my favorite parts is when Anne is talking to Matthew about how Ruby Gillis wants a string of beaus who are all crazy about her, but Anne wants one beau who is in his right mind.

I couldn't agree more with her.


Today I dusted my desk.

Everything on it was covered with dust.

Except my Costco size bottle of Tylenol.

Katie to Tylenol is like Dr. House to Vicodin.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Most I've laughed in days

Kelsie, Karlie and I were looking through old pictures today and first we found this one
Look at how cute he use to be!

What happened?!

Actually he's still really cute, just not in that little boy way, see...

But, anyways, right next to that totally adorable picture of Brendan we found this little gem...

All I have to say is - most I have laughed in days.