Monday, February 14, 2011

Katie's ultimate list of the best couples ever

Well the best couples from literature, TV, and movies that is. Naturally when it comes to best couples ever including real people, me and my future, yet to be determined, husband will take the heart shaped cake. (I really do have a heart shaped cake joke.)

Laura Ingalls Wilder and Almanzo Wilder
He calls her Bess. She calls him Manly. Could it get anymore perfect? Why, yes it can. He drives through freezing weather with his Morgans, Prince and Lady, to pick her up from her school so she doesn't have to stay the weekend with the dreadful Mrs. Foster. And takes her on Sunday rides through the South Dakota prairie. And builds her an awesome house with a really cool pantry. Also, they're real people! So that just makes it even better. Oh how I idolize Laura Ingalls Wilder...
Elinor Dashwood and Edward Ferris
While most people favor Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy (who I almost put instead), I decided that Elinor and Edward's relationship is way more up to my speed. Chances are this would totally be me. I can identify with Elinor. Which just makes it all the more triumphant when everything finally works out for them.
Ariel and Prince Eric
Aw, love at first sight. I mean it was fireworks the night they first saw each other. Not even the fact that she has a fish tail can keep them apart. They sacrifice so much to be together, I mean they have a whole ocean and a fat octopus between them. Plus they just look good together.
Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe
Oh, Anne and Gilbert, what else can you say. From the very beginning you know they are meant for each other, yet Anne is just so darn stubborn. And then Gilbert is so cute and charming with his good looks and Canadian accent. Then it looks like they'll be together forever and Anne crushes Gilbert's poor little heart. And when Anne realizes she made a mistake, Gilbert has the audacity to be engaged to another woman! It's all just so tragical. Luckily, they do end up together right after Gilbert is nursed back to health from the brink of death. If not, I would be forced into the depths of despair and therefore find it hard to believe that true love really does exist and make a vow with Brooke to always be old maids together.
Ella and Prince Char
Ella Enchanted is probably one of my most favorite books in the history of the world. Right up there with Harry Potter and the Little House books. When Ella saves Char and breaks the curse, its like anything in the world is possible. Plus, they wander through an old castle and slide down banisters. Talk about a pretty sweet date.

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