Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm back!!! And I've brought two lists!

After a very prolonged absence I am making a return. Just like the Fall TV shows!

The return of all my favorite shows and the premiere of new ones (more on this in a bit) aren't the only reasons Fall is my favorite season. So to celebrate my return here's a list...

Katie's List of Why Fall is the Best Season
  1. The return of awesome TV shows
  2. It starts to get colder
  3. The beautiful colors
  4. Leaves changing colors
  5. Pumpkin everything
  6. It's not so hot
  7. Cardigans
  8. Boots
  9. Everyone else is in school and can't go to Seven Peaks while I'm at work
  10. Annual caramel apple making
  11. The smell of the crisp air
  12. Th good smelling Autumn soap Brooke always gets
  13. It's getting close to Thanksgiving when I get to go home and visit
  14. Halloween and free candy/half off post-Halloween candy sales
  15. My birthday!

Ok, now that I've taken care of the list of things I love about Fall, I will now compile my list of why I'm excited about Fall TV.

I love Chuck! I'm so sad this is the last season and that it's not starting until the end of October, but I think it promises to be a hilarious one. If my sister's had finished watching the season, I would be able to say why I think it will be hilarious, but they didn't so I'll just leave it at THIS SEASON IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!

Again, I love Bones! Last season ended big and I've been waiting all summer to see what will happen.

Vampire Diaries
Ahh, my guilty pleasure... I don't know why I like this show, but I do. I don't know why I'm excited, but I am.

The new comer. I just recently watched the first 4 seasons of Psych on Netflix and I am a couple episodes into season 5 on Hulu, and it is freaking hilarious. And to make it better they're going to mention BYU in one of the episodes of season 6 because BYU smashed every other college out of the competition. Hopefully I'll be able to finish season 5 before season 6 starts, but if not oh well, I still love this show and eventually season 5 will be on Netflix.

New Girl
This one looks really funny and I think Zooey Deschanel is a crack up.

Pan Am
Maybe it's just the fact that this is fairly historical or that I am loving the ladylike clothes of the 60s right now, but I'm super excited for this one.

Hart of Dixie
What is with my obsession with cop and doctor shows? I really don't know, but this one looks promising.

The Secret Circle
Again, another one of my downfalls, drama filled, cheesy teenage shows (Vampire Diaries anyone?). Plus, it's got the girl from H20: Just Add Water in it, so huge plus right there.

Once Upon a Time
I'm already loving this one. And who wouldn't, it's about fairy tales in the modern day and it's from the same people who did Lost.

I also want to start watching Community. I saw the paintball episode last season, and now it's just a matter of time before I'm hooked.

Oh boy. That's a lot of shows. It's going to be a busy year.

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