Sunday, April 19, 2009


Finals week is here...and you know what that means? Avoiding the inevitable (studying) until it comes to the point where you will FAIL if you don't sit down and focus. But you know something, I'm not good at sitting down and focusing...I suck at it...just ask my roommates. I am really good at finding ways of avoiding sitting down and focusing though. For example I painted my finger and toe nails today, in a French manicure no less (it takes more time and concentration), and now I'm writing a post, like I said I'm the master at finding distractions.

But even better than finding your own distractions is having one provided for you. Case in point we had a party tonight...a "I hate finals and don't want to study anymore" end of the year/ward game night party. Talk about hitting multiple birds with one stone. We had a chocolate fountain and lots of delicious things to dip in it (strawberries, angel food cake, cinnamon bears, pretzels...). Then we played the couch game and worked our brain muscles by practicing our strategizing skills. The chocolate made a mess, but it was so worth the fun time with great people from our ward...and the chocolate fights that followed.

Now its back to the grindstone, but before I know it these next few stressful days will be over and I'll be sitting on a beach in California getting started on my tan and relaxing...just gotta keep that beautiful picture in the back of my head. Until then though its back to the Civil War...yay!

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