Monday, December 27, 2010

Frosting Fight!!!

For the past several years my siblings and I have made cookies with our little cousins for Santa. We go over for the day and cut out and decorate sugar cookies, and every year we get into a frosting fight. The whole frosting fight tradition is totally my fault.

The first year thinking I was being funny I started to smear frosting of Ryen and Peyten's faces. Of course they loved it and ever since part of the tradition had included a frosting fight.

This year we had a bunch more little kids who came to make cookies with us, so Ryen, Peyten, and I had a little frosting fight, but we didn't want to have a huge mess on our hands so I made them stop after a few minutes.
I only got pictures of Peyten and I after the frosting fight but Ryen looked pretty much the same.

Aunt Michele made a ton of cookie dough. The kids only actively made cookies for about 45 minutes and then went and played, leaving Kelsie, Karlie, me, and the other adults to finish the cookies with sporadic help from the kids. Brendan got there late because he was a practice, but then he pretty much became the punching bag for the kids and kept them busy. As soon as he walked in the door Camden was stuck to his side. It was very cute.
I love having little cousins. They are so much fun to be with and make you feel awesome when you walk in the door because they are so excited to see you.

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