Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Nothing Really Changes

It all started the first day of kindergarten. That's the day I met Alison. Ever since then we've been best friends. Throughout the years we've added to our group. By high school Emily, Melissa, and Melissa we're a part of our group and it became the five of us. The past three years I haven't really kept in tough with Melissa, Emily, and Melissa, so yesterday we all got together for lunch and it was like putting on a favorite outfit - comfortable, familiar, easy.

We shared so many experiences together growing up and were constants in each others lives during those years growing up. We may not have faced earth shattering trials, but we we're there for the small ones.

Even though I left and we've all taken different paths in our lives, its nice to know that we can all come back together and connect just like we use to. And to know that even though our paths have been different they were the right paths for us to take. Despite the new friends we make and the new places we go, all 5 of us can come back and know we have friends we can turn to who love us despite the time we've spent apart.

You can tell Alison and I have been friends for so long, we both have issues looking at the camera. It was probably a skill we were suppose to learn in kindergarten but we missed because we were talking. I don't remember this, but its a distinct possibility...

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