Sunday, March 13, 2011


I started watching Lost last week.

I'm up to episode 10 of season 1.

I have a lot of questions.

But nobody will answer them for me. John and Brooke are really mean. Brooke has started ignoring me. I keep trying to surprise her and make her answer my questions without realizing it, but it's not working very well. For example, I've tried asking her first thing in the morning when she wakes up, I've tried bursting into the room and asking her, I've tried texting her (which she just ignores), I've tried just randomly asking her when we're sitting doing nothing, and I've even asked her while she was praying (though that was on accident). And John just won't even let me finish my question or says that everything is important.

One of my major questions has been answered already. For your information the Koreans do speak English. Well at least the wife does. I felt so vindicated when she started talking to the black guy in English.

Now, my major questions are:
  1. is the baby a boy or a girl?
  2. does Locke ever have to be in his wheelchair again?
  3. where does the electricity for Danielle's shelter come from? It just doesn't make sense, because there is this big, fat power cord that goes into the ocean, so it has to go somewhere, and someone had to put it there. So where did it come from? Danielle didn't put it there because she was shipwrecked on the island. And how did she find it? Hopefully this makes sense, it makes sense in my head, but that doesn't make sure it makes sense in real life.
  4. do Jack and Kate fall in love?
  5. do they play golf a lot while they're on the island?
These may seem like silly or inconsequential questions, but they are plaguing my mind.

1 comment:

  1. can you imagine having had to watch it while it was actually on? I only watched the 6th season in real time and that was hard enough. But keep on keeping on-all of those questions will be answered, but sadly there are tons that never will. But enjoy Lost--it is my fav fav.
