Saturday, March 19, 2011

An observation, Lost question updates, and Persuasion

First, lets do the Lost question updates.
  1. I no longer care too much about whether Claire's baby is a boy or a girl (well I do, but this question eclipses it), what I really want to know is: what does Ethan wants with Claire and her baby? Ethan is freaking creepy. And weird looking.
  2. WHAT DO THE NUMBERS MEAN?!?!?!?!? Brooke said that the numbers are confusing even at the end. That just will not do. I have issues with unanswered questions.
  3. Do Charlie and Claire fall in love? I don't know why I'm obsessed with coupling everyone, I guess it's just because you can't be trapped on a weird, creepy deserted island and not have a few people fall in love.
  4. And that's all the questions I can think of for now. I'm sure I've asked a bazillion more, but I just can't remember them all right now. I haven't been awake long enough for that.
Second, I'm watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on the ABC Family Harry Potter Weekend Marathon and I realized that my hair looks just like Hermione's if I do nothing to it.
Like, if I just woke up and started walking around doing stuff, my hair would look exactly like Hermione's from the first 2 Harry Potter movies. Except her bangs look better. Cause mine look like crap if I don't do anything to them. (You can read about my struggle with my bangs here.)

Third, Kelsie and I saw the play Persuasion on Thursday night.
(The girl sitting down wearing the gold dress is Mary. She was hilarious. The girl sitting in front of her played Louisa Musgrove. She was really funny too.)

It was sooo good! I like the actors in the BYU play better than in the movie. The girl who plays Mary was amazing. I would go see the play again just for her. Also the guy who played young Frederick was very attractive, minus the weird clip in hair thing that was super obvious because you could see the white clip holding it in.

Probably one of my favorite parts was right after Mary met Captain Wentworth and she's talking to Anne about how nice his name is. "Weeeentworth. Went-worth. Wentworth. Captain Wentworth." And then, "wouldn't Wentworth be a wonderful name for a dog? Come here Wentworth! Oh, good boy Wentworth!" If I had a dog I would name him Wentworth. But, since I'm 100% positive I will never have a dog, I don't really need to worry about it. In fact, the only reason I would ever get a dog now is so that I could name him Wentworth.

This is the text conversation Kelsie and I had when we were discussing when I would pick her up.

Kelsie: "Why don't you pick me up at 5:45 and then we can go to McDonald's for dinner."
Katie: "Why McDonald's? We can go someplace nicer if you want."
Kelsie: "Shamrock shakes!!!"
Katie: "I may have already had a Shamrock shake today..."
Kelsie: "Well you can have another one!"

We ended up going to Olive Garden for dinner. But then I did take Kelsie to get her Shamrock shake before I took her home. It was the least I could do for her on St. Patrick's day. Everyone reserves a Shamrock shake on St. Patrick's day. On a side note, I'm glad to say that my influence has been increasing Kelsie's dependency on McDonald's. That could be one of my greatest accomplishments.

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