Friday, March 18, 2011

Tiger Wrestling

I found this picture today at my internship.
Yes, that is a real tiger.

And yes, that guy is wrestling it.

Did they really think this was a good idea?

This is what must have been going through his head:

This is soooo awesome! I'm totally kicking this tiger's trash! This stinking tiger is no match for me and the 2 feet of string I wove last night. I'm a total Bad A! Good thing all those people are behind that barrier made of twigs, because if I wasn't holding this tiger in submission right now they would be knocked over my my awesomeness!

At least this is what he was thinking until he realized the tiger clawed him new pants to shreds (gotta impress the ladies with his fashion sense while he wrestles a mighty predator into submission), and took a huge bite out of his hip.

This was part of the OFFICIAL Brigham Young University homecoming celebration in 1968. I mean it took place right in front of the McKay Building! Other activities included ostrich racing and cougar hunting.

Where do you even get a live tiger from? I mean, when you ask for the tiger do they ask what you need it for? Because, if they did ask, and then the answer was that a bunch of students were going to wrestle it, the person who gave them the tiger is either an idiot OR seriously needed some humor in his life and has a sick sense of humor. Because lets face it, this would be HILARIOUS to watch.

I vote we bring this time honored tradition back for all future Homecoming Celebrations. I mean what is a blue foam slip 'n slide to wrestling a tiger?
True Blue slip 'n slide is epic, but it's epicness just doesn't measure up to wrestling a live, full grown tiger.

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