Saturday, May 28, 2011

I love summer

I think it's a newfound love, or maybe just a greater appreciation. I've always loved summer, but summer here in Provo is so different. It's full of friends, family, books, and sun. But I think this summer will be different because I don't have school looming in the future and I'm able to just relax and enjoy life.

The past couple days it has felt like summer is finally on its way, despite all of the crazy rain we've been having. And, this summer has the prospect of being EPIC. And these are the reasons why:
  1. 7Peaks/Trafalga pass - I haven't bought it yet, but I will
  2. Cruise in July with Brooke
  3. No school in the fall
  4. Provo City Library Summer Reading Program. It started today and I'm freaking excited about it.
  5. We have recently discovered how many movies the library has and will be taking full advantage. Brooke, Jess, and I have already enjoyed Emma and Somewhere in Time and are looking forward to Nicholas Nickelby
  6. I fully intend to get an awesome tan. Not lifeguarding and swimming status, but just enough to make me look alive through out the winter...
  7. TacoTime. A new one just opened up down the street from work and I am obsessed with it. It is seriously my kind of place. They have mexifries (aka tattertots) and a Chicken BLT burrito. How can it get better than that?
  8. Fourth of July in Provo. I don't know why, but Provo just knows how to do the Fourth of July.
  9. Sandals
  10. Shaved Ice stands on every corner
  11. Light outside until 9:30
Doesn't that have the makings of an awesome summer?

1 comment:

  1. you know its funny that we both posted about summer and we didn't even talk about it. yay for summer!!!
