Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Summer Reading List

Since I have officially began an eternal summer and I will be finishing Lost tonight (I have ONE episode left!) I thought now would be a good time to compile my preliminary summer reading list. I just saw on Facebook that the theme for the Provo City Library summer reading program is "Up All Night" which I am a huge fan of. Possibly because I often stay up all night reading and then make my way through the next day like a zombie. I really can't be blamed for this behavior. It's all my Dad's fault. He would take my books away at 11:00 so I didn't learn to self-regulate my reading habits. At least that's the story I'm sticking with.

But's my summer reading list:

  1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I've gotta get ready for the final movie!
  2. Sense and Sensibility
  3. Work and the Glory. I haven't decided if I want to reread the whole series or not, but I figure I'll decide as I'm reading it.
  4. Secret Garden
  5. Goose Girl and accompanying books that I don't know the names of
  6. Mockingjay. Maybe. I want to see if it gets any better the second time around.
  7. Undaunted. Actually I just want to finish this one. I still have about 100 pages somewhere in the middle because I NEEDED to know who ended up together at the end and may have skipped ahead...
  8. The Healer's Apprentice. I really want to read this book, but I swear its impossible to find. So I may just have to order it from Amazon
  9. The FitzOsbournes in Exile. I just saw this one on a library reading list and want to read it really bad. 
And we'll just start with that because my lunch break is over and I could go on forever.

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