Friday, May 20, 2011

The King's Speech

This movie was fantastic! I saw it last night at the dollar theater with Kelsie. Originally we planned on going to Costco and the grocery store to buy food in general, but more specifically ingredients for tortilla soup (since its so gosh darn cold and rainy right now). But instead we ended up going out to dinner at Cafe Rio and then going to the mall and the movies. We apparently have the attention spans of 5 year old's. We can't even make it to the grocery store without getting distracted.

But, back to the movie. I can totally see why it won Best Picture. The story was intriguing and the acting was amazing. For biggest transformation I'm going with Helena Bonaham-Carter/Bellatrix Lestrange/Mrs. Tim Burton. She was actually normal and totally hilarious!

Now, a big problem for me when I go to movies, specifically historical movies, is that there are a lot of parts that I think are hilarious that for some reason other people don't. Usually it's when they say something historically witty that makes the history nerd in my come out. Like when the queen jokes about Logue being a Bolshevik. For some reason that was hilarious to me but no one else, and I was the only one laughing my head off like a fool.

So, if you haven't seen this movie, GO SEE IT. You'll be glad you did.

Also, today my little brother is swimming in his first Valley's meet. He's been sick all week and still doesn't feel good. But I have total confidence in him.

Good luck Brenbutt!!!!!

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