Thursday, January 13, 2011

I have a problem

They say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. The only issue here is that I don't want to recover because I like my problem.

My problem is that I watch TV shows.

Well more like occasionally I find a new series that I like and then I obsess over it. I watch ever episode, one right after the other, until I have watched every episode available.

This becomes an issue when silly things like school and work are a part of my life. Sometimes all I would rather do is watch the next episode of my new obsession series.

Freshman year was when I first came down with this problem. The show was The Office.
"Bears. Beats. Battlestar Galactica." Enough said.

I had never seen The Office before I came to college, but it was the cool thing to watch it, so of course I did too. Soon I realized that I loved The Office. I commenced to watch every episode until I reached the current ones. Now this wasn't such a big deal because I think The Office was only on like season 3, maybe. So it took me 2 weeks, tops.

It wouldn't have been so bad if this is where my problem had stopped. But nooooooo. It only got worse.

Every once in a while I get introduced to a new TV show and then I have to see every single episode. Its all I think about. Its the only thing I want to do. I even start to dream about the TV show (this is due to the fact that I get way to involved in the characters. Once I had a dream with the characters of Chuck, Vampire Diaries, and Bones all in it. It was crazy.)

I've done this with the TV shows

Probably my most favorite show of all time. I own the first 3 seasons on DVD and watch them regularly. It is AWESOME.

Bones actually might be tied with Chuck for most favorite show ever. Temperance Brennan is my hero. If I could handle blood and guts, I would be her. You might not guess this, but you can learn a lot from Bones - at least I have...

Hawaii Five-O
I don't know why I love cop shows, but I do, I just can't help it!

Vampire Diaries
We'll just call it a guilty pleasure.

My last obsessive TV show. I can't wait for the new episodes to start.

And probably several others that I can no longer remember. I obviously have a problem.

My newest TV show obsession is House. I love this show so much. I don't know what about it that I love, but I just do.
I just finished season 1. Currently season 7 is airing. That means I have 5 1/2 seasons to watch so that I can be current. I may not surface for a while.

With that said, I'm off to start season 2!

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