Monday, January 31, 2011

Look at this poor guy

I found this picture today.

Look at the guy in the middle who is clearly in love with the girl next to him. He is just pining away and she just won't give him the time of day. Just look at her face, obviously she is thinking "seriously". But really you can't blame the guy, its a bookkeeping class. So naturally the better option is to stare at the girl he is madly in love with.

This is probably the conversation that they had:

"Oh Justine, I just love you dearly! Don't you want to work on our bookkeeping assignment together? It will help to pass the time until I can devote all of my undying attention and love to you."

"No, Earl. Leave me alone"

"But Justine we're meant for each other!"

No response.

And the guy (Theodore) two seats to the right of Justine is totally pretending to lean forward and be all studious, but really he is eavesdropping and trying to get the dirt on what's going on between Justine and Earl. Because his friend Bertram, who is sitting in the way back by the window, is also madly in love with Justine. But Bertram was late to school that day and some jerk took his spot next to the lovely Justine, so now Theodore is doing his dirty work for him.

And Justine just sits there and looks annoyed to the camera because really she is in love with the blonde in the very front left hand corner, Alfred. But he actually is focusing on his bookkeeping and is oblivious to the plight of beautiful Justine caught between unwanted lovers and pining for another.

1 comment:

  1. BERTRAM!!!!!!! bahaaaaaa. oh katie you should write historical fiction
