Thursday, January 20, 2011

Peter Pan

I saw Peter Pan last night. The BYU Theater department is performing it right now, and since Kelsie works in the ticket office she get free tickets to all the shows. When I heard they were doing Peter Pan I called being her plus one right away.

And what can I say but that Peter Pan was AMAZING!!!
The flying was so cool, it made me want to be in plays! And believe me, I have never, in my whole entire life, wanted to be in a play before. My favorite part, besides the flying, was the Indians. Their costumes were awesome and they had the best choreography. Everything else was really good too - the pirates were funny, the actors did an awesome job, and the sets were fantastic. I'm so glad I got to see Peter Pan. I should have started going to the school plays a long time ago. I feel like I've wasted the previous 7 semesters of my education. Just kidding, I really don't, but I'm sure the other plays were good too.
While I was watching the play I found my self wishing I could fly away to Neverland and not grow up. How cool would it be to play with fairies, fly, fight with pirates, fly, be friends with Indians, fly, never change out of your pajamas, and FLY?

It would be freaking AWESOME! Pretty much best life ever status.

But after the play I got to thinking, while living in Neverland and never growing up would be cool, I don't think I would want that to be my life. Wendy ultimately didn't. Personally, I think that Wendy had already grown up too much to have a satisfying life in Neverland. She realized that there was more to life than being a child. Growing up can be fun. Sure, it can be hard and full of sadness and trials. But its from those hard times that you really learn to appreciate the good times, which in the end far outweigh the bad.

One scene in the play is Peter giving the lost boys "lessons" and the lesson is all about not growing up and becoming a man. Can you imagine being stuck in one place and never growing? Learning and growing is satisfying. You become a better version of yourself. And if not growing up means not improving who you are, then I think I'm fine with growing up.
Although it still would be awesome to fly!

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